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Instruments Available

The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) supports a coordinated and quicker response to disasters both inside and outside Europe using resources from the countries participating in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.


Grants provided to Red Cross/Crescent National Societies (rather than governments) for emergency relief and all activities which meet immediate needs caused by sudden, slow-onset or imminent disasters, including monitoring and evaluation.

Application guidelines:


Loans provided to Red Cross/Crescent National Societies (rather than governments) for emergency relief and start-up response to sudden, slow-onset or imminent disasters.

Application Guidelines:


Grants extended under this program aim at mitigating the suffering of victims of all kinds of catastrophes around the world, including in Opec Fund for International Development (OFID) Member Countries. OFID emergency aid is channeled through specialized relief agencies, such as the IFRC, UNHCR, UNOCHA and the WFP.


Seek Expert Advice

The instruments in the portal are there for information purposes only, if you want further information on the use of an instrument you should please seek expert advice.