WBG Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option (Cat DDO)
Published by Disaster Risk Financing on
WBG Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option (Cat DDO)
A contingent financing instrument (grant or loan) that provides immediate liquidity following a natural disaster. Funds become available for disbursement after the declaration of a state of emergency due to a natural disaster. Country must have a disaster risk management program in place, which the Bank will monitor on a periodic basis.
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Instrument type
All IBRD-eligible borrowers — including Blend countries — upon meeting approval criteria.
Cat DDO’s provide Governments a contingent line of finance, which becomes available when the appropriate trigger is met. Traditionally, the Cat DDO, has a ‘soft’ trigger, which is negotiated between the Government and the World Bank during preparation of the instrument. The two pre-requisites for approval of the instrument are: (i) the country must have an adequate macroeconomic policy framework at preparation; and (ii) the country must have a satisfactory disaster risk management program in place with a well-defined results framework to implement policies and actions in the DRM program, which the Bank monitors periodically.